SWaN conference - Day 2
Science, Water and Nature: striving for a sustainable future 

Engineering, agriculture, ecology and the water industry – collaborating to maximise the use of nature-based solutions. What have we learnt and what can we do to facilitate a sustainable future ensuring costs and benefits for industry and society are understood? 

 08.45  Introduction & housekeeping  

 Session 3: What is a fair way of

 funding sustainable progress in 

 the water industry?

 Sarah Hendry

 Director General,


 Natural capital accounting

 Ian Dickie

 Director, eftec

 Integrated approach

 Phillip Blaen 


 Manager &

 Lucille Hutty

 Economic Modeller,

 Yorkshire Water

 Funding, partnership and achieving

 multiple benefits at catchment

 scale: a 'bottom-up' perspective

 from Tweed

 Chris Spray

 Tweed Forum trustee

 & Emertius Professor

 of Water Sciences &

 Policy, UNESCO

 centre, Uni of Dundee


 Including session

 speakers and

 James Good,

 Partner, BCLP, &

 Bart Schoonbaert,


 10.30 Break



 a) How could a large waterbody like

 Abberton be used as a purpose-

 built laboratory for future


 What could future collaborations

 across sectors, industry and

 academia look like?

 Max Wade

 President CIEEM,

 Technical Director, 


 b) How do we make the most of

 regulatory and legislative changes

 (such as WINEP reform, 

 Environment Bill, Agriculture Bill)

 to increase partnership working

 and get nature-based solutions

 to scale?

 Bart Schoonbaert

 Director -


 Public Value &



 c) How to standardise and make it

 the normal to include social and

 natural costs and benefits as part

 of the whole life costings of


 Ian Dickie



 12.00 Feedback by facilitators
 12.30 Lunch

 Session 4: What next?

 How to build on successes?

 How can the learning from this event

 be used?

 Simon Lyster

 former Non-

 Executive Director,

 Northumbrian Water


 Case study – Healthy Crops,

 Healthy Water:  Partnerships

 not projects

 Richard Reynolds

 Senior Agronomy


 Anglian Water

 Case study – incentives for

 catchment solutions

 Ben Balmford

 PHD and Post Doc


 University of Exeter


 Forward look discussion

 Keith Haslett,

 Max Wade,

 James Good,

 Bart Schoonbaert

 14.50 Closing remarks

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