Northumbrian Water (NW) and Essex & Suffolk Water (ESW) are both part of Northumbrian Water Limited, a company registered in England and Wales, which is a member of Northumbrian Water Group. Click on Northumbrian Water Limited to find out more about NW and ESW. Click on Northumbrian Water Group to find out more about our owners.
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Caring for the essential needs of our communities and environment, now and for generations to come.
We know that our activities impact the environment, the communities we serve and our local economies.
Find out more about the company and what we’ve been up to by reading our latest news or watching our videos.
Thursday 7 October 2021
How could a large waterbody like Abberton be used as a purpose-built laboratory for future innovation? What could future collaborations across sectors, industry and academia look like?
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How do we make the most of regulatory and legislative changes (such as WINEP reform, Environment Bill, Agriculture Bill) to increase partnership working and get nature-based solutions to scale?
How to standardise and make it the norm to include social and natural costs and benefits as part of the whole life costings of projects?