Sewer flooding inside the home is undoubtedly one of the worst experiences our customers can have and reducing sewer flooding remains one of our highest business priorities.
There are a number of reasons that properties can experience sewer flooding - sewers can become overwhelmed with heavy rain; sewers can collapse or break; or sewers can become blocked by items that should not be in them, e.g. wet wipes or fats, oils and grease.
We are actively tackling each issue to make sure the risk of flooding from our sewer network continues to decrease. We set challenging targets to reduce the amount of sewer flooding and we are proud that we continue to improve performance year on year.
For more information on our performance in go to -
We provide a sewerage service that deals effectively with sewage and heavy rainfall
Number of properties flooded with sewage
To find out more information on the sewage service we provide you, go to our customer page – please note, we do not provide this in our Essex & Suffolk Water area, only water.