About Northumbrian Water Limited
Northumbrian Water Limited (NWL) is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 02366703 and whose registered office is at Northumbria House, Abbey Road, Pity Me, Durham, DH1 5FJ.
In the north east of England, NWL trades as ‘Northumbrian Water’ in the supply of potable and raw water and the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage and sewage sludge (it provides only waste water services in Hartlepool). In the south east of England, NWL trades as ‘Essex and Suffolk Water’ in the supply of water services only. For further details of NWL’s activities in these regions, please view
Our Operating Area page.
NWL also provides technical and consultancy services focussing on water and environmental issues, where it operates as ‘NWG Property Solutions’ (www.nwpropertysolutions.co.uk), ‘NWG Scientific Services’ (www.nwss-labs.co.uk) and 'NWG Total Water Solutions' (www.totalwatersolutions.co.uk)
NWL also has three direct and indirectly owned financing subsidiaries: Northumbrian Water Finance plc, Reiver Holdings Limited and Reiver Finance Limited.
Ownership of Northumbrian Water Limited
NWL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Northumbrian Water Group Limited (NWGL), a company registered in England and Wales with company number 04760441 and is a member of Northumbrian Water Group (NWG).
NWGL has one other direct subsidiary, NWG Commercial Solutions Limited, which acts as a holding company for other non-regulated trading companies. NWGL also owns 50% of a joint venture company, Wave Ltd. which, through its trading subsidiary, carries out non-household water and wastewater related retail activities in England and Scotland.
To learn more about NWG, please click here.
The chart below shows the summarised corporate structure of NWG and its upstream links to CK Hutchison Holdings Limited, CK Asset Holdings Limited and KKR & Co. Inc.. It shows the principal intermediate holding companies in the structure, which are wholly owned unless otherwise shown.