Northumbrian Water (NW) and Essex & Suffolk Water (ESW) are both part of Northumbrian Water Limited, a company registered in England and Wales, which is a member of Northumbrian Water Group. Click on Northumbrian Water Limited to find out more about NW and ESW. Click on Northumbrian Water Group to find out more about our owners.
We live water, and we love our customers. Want to join the team?
Facts, figures and financials.
Caring for the essential needs of our communities and environment, now and for generations to come.
We know that our activities impact the environment, the communities we serve and our local economies.
Find out more about the company and what we’ve been up to by reading our latest news or watching our videos.
Supporting the development of our PR24 business plan.
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Findings from our regular People Panels’ discussions.
Shaping our Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan.
Shaping our Water Resources Management Plans.
Tracking programmes we conduct with our customers and stakeholders. Each page goes into further detail on the area shown.