IDD Network Designer
Creating an inclusive place to work for every one of our 3000 plus colleagues is extremely important to us at Northumbrian Water Group and is at the core of Our Purpose and Values.

In October 2022 we launched our first ever Together for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (TIDE) Strategy which outlines our commitment to having a diverse and inclusive workforce, that reflects the different cultures, backgrounds and lived experiences of the communities we serve is important to us.


Achieving this means we can ensure that we have different mix of skills in our organisation so we can make better decisions, create innovative solutions to challenges and provide the very best service to all customers in our operating regions.


We believe that progress starts by raising awareness and sharing knowledge across all colleagues so that difference, challenge, and discomfort are not barriers to our success as a people-focused organisation. Our Leadership Teams continue to engage with awareness sessions which provide opportunities to learn from those with diverse lived experiences. All colleagues are able to attend internal diversity themed sessions which invite guest speakers into our business to provide expert insight on topics including ethnicity, disability, neurodiversity, gender and LGBTQIA+ communities.


Our Diversity and Inclusion team also produce an internal TIDE Podcast which has welcomed a mixture of internal colleagues and external guests to talk about their own perspectives and highlight global awareness campaigns - including Deaf Awareness Week, Neurodiversity Celebration Week and Race Equality Week.

Dialogue and Insight

A key part of our TIDE Strategy is creating space to learn from a wide range of voices and to foster an environment where our colleagues feel comfortable to lead conversations about how to improve our organisation.


Our colleague network groups form a key part of creating psychologically safe spaces and are effective environments for colleagues from under-represented communities to connect with others with similar experiences. They also present space for allies to support our colleagues and engage to learn in a safe environment. All colleagues have access to our network groups and are welcome to join from the moment their career with NWG begins.

We have four colleague network groups:

Rainbow Support Network
Our Rainbow Support Network is primarily for colleagues identifying as members of the LGBTQIA+ communities, along with allies.

Rainbow Support Network logo


The network has supported our organisation by providing insight on topics such as Pride, LGBT+ History Month and Trans Awareness Week, as well as advocating for and supporting a presence at local LGBTQIA+ events across the regions we operate in.

Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH)
The Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH) network supports our colleagues from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.

Reach logo

The network has taken part in and hosted internal events such as ‘Black Mental Health’ and ‘Let’s Talk About . . . Ethnicity’, as well as providing insight on World Religion Day, and code switching in the workplace.

Thisability is our network for disabled and neurodivergent colleagues and has been vital in advising our organisation on adjustments, facilities and colleague experience.

Thisability logo

This ensures that we are inclusive of colleagues who may require additional support.  The network has helped raise awareness on invisible disabilities, ADHD, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and World Cancer Day.

Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (WiSTEM)
Our Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (WiSTEM) network purpose is to be the guiding light for women in STEM, connecting and empowering them to fulfil their potential and paving the way for the women of the future.

WiSTEM logo


The network has led events focused on helping women overcome imposter syndrome, connect with other professionals, and leads the conversation on how we can make our uniforms, PPE, and facilities inclusive for all female colleagues.


We’ve made a great start to our Diversity, Inclusion and Equity work at NWG and, through Great Place To Work, our colleagues consistently tell us that they feel they are treated fairly based on their age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and disability.


Through valuable insight gained from our colleague network groups, our corporate inductions ensure that everyone coming into our organisation are aware of the support available and how they can take part in our journey.


We continue to work with our Leadership Teams, and all newly appointed leaders take part in a development programme which focuses on TIDE and the role of leadership in fostering inclusive cultures.


We still have work to do, and we would love you to be part of our journey as we strive towards being an organisation that is reflective and inclusive of the communities we serve.  To dive into a new career with NWG please visit our careers page to find your next opportunity.

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