The Northumbrian Water Group press office is open for enquiries from members of the press and media Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
The number to reach the media team for both Northumbrian Water and Essex & Suffolk Water is 0333 321 4841. Please note, this number is for media enquiries only.
Customers with queries about their account or services should call:
- 0345 733 5566 for Northumbrian Water account and billing queries
- 0345 717 1100 for Northumbrian Water service and supply queries
- 0345 782 0111 for Essex & Suffolk Water account and billing queries, and
- 0345 782 0999 for Essex & Suffolk Water service and supply queries.
Journalists can also contact the Northumbrian Water Group press office by emailing externalcommunications@nwl.co.uk
The press office email inbox is regularly checked during opening hours. Enquiries will be responded to as quickly as possible.
For media enquiries outside these hours, please call 0333 321 4841, and you'll be put in touch with the on-duty press officer.
Northumbrian Water
NW News - Providing official news and campaign account.
NW Care - Providing water supply updates and help with any water or wastewater queries.
Essex & Suffolk Water
ESW News - Providing official news and campaign account.
ESW Care - Providing water supply updates and help.