Innovation Festival Encore - by Angela MacOscar, Head of Innovation
"So November is here and is all about The Encore sessions!
“We get asked all the time what happens to the ideas that come out of the festival, so we are running The Encore sessions running throughout November to share what is happening so you are up to date and in the know!
“We are excited to share with you all the progress that has been made and to shout out where help is still needed. We are an operational business with the all the daily demands that brings and know also that not all ideas will work – that is innovation after all.
“But you will be blown away with what the teams have been doing since the festival in July. Our festival was amazing, with over 2000 attendees from 33 countries and from 40 different sectors working on 31 different hacks and sprints.
“Seven of these landed kick starter funding to take their projects further and three Ofwat fund bids have been created.
“The ideas that came out of the festival do have huge impact on our business, for our sector and most importantly for our customers. Over the past six years we have run over 150 sprints and hacks, delivered over 200 projects into the business worth well over £10 million pounds.
“We tackle the really tough challenges and draw upon our amazing audience to come up with the most creative and novel solutions. We do this to make sure our services are the best they can be, even more resilient and reliable for today and well into the future.
“We are running five sessions, each an hour long that cover all the sprints and hacks, starting with Water Wonders on 1st November, Customer Heroes 7th November, Enviro Warriors 11th November, Awesome Assets and People Power on 14th November and finishing up with Smart Tech on 18th November.
“Anyone can join these sessions to see what we have been up to and can ask questions. All the sessions are recorded so you can catch up if you have missed them! Here is the link so you can catch the sessions. Looking forward to seeing you there!”