As a company, we are passionate about the environment. We have a strong track record protecting and enhancing our environment and are known to be leaders in this area.

Our 2023 environmental performance has continued to attain three-star “good” status in the Environment Agency’s assessment, published on 23 July 2024, and we are pleased to have been rated as 100% in a number of measures – including in our WINEP (Water Industry National Environment Programme) targets, in our treatment of sludge and also in our supply and demand standards.


The assessment results also show that we have yet again had no serious pollutions over the past 12 months, and haven’t since 2021.


Environmental Performance Assessment 2023


There is always room for improvement both within our company, and also across the industry – which is why we have been focusing on using innovative new methods and ideas to help us to do even better next year.  These include a smart sewer network to reduce storm overflows, using AI technology to improve the quality of rivers, using drones to measure water quality, treating green ammonia into fuel, and using pipe-robots to inspect the health of our assets.


Between 2020 and 2025 we will invest over £80m to reduce our use of storm overflows and to upgrade our wastewater network, which will be followed by a further £1.7 billion from 2025 to 2030 in a massive environmental programme to stop storm overflow spills and help improve the environment.


We are focused on attaining good or leading status going forward and want to continue to raise standards for our customers.