filling kettle kitchen tap
Every five years we develop a water resource management plan (WRMP) which sets out how we will provide a reliable and sustainable supply of water to our customers.

Our plan called Water Resources Management Plan 2024 (WRMP24) covers the next 25 years from 2025 to 2050 and was prepared in line with the Water Resources Management Plan Regulations 2007 and Water Resources Management Plan Direction 2022.


Following approval from the Secretary of State, we published our WRMP24s in October 2024. Our plan forecast how much water we will have available to supply our customers, taking account of future droughts, climate change and the need to protect the environment. We also forecast how much water our customers will need taking account of future population growth.


By comparing our supply and demand forecasts, we have confirmed that in our Northumbrian Water operational area we will have reliable and sufficient supplies of water to meet customer demand over the planning period. However, we must still ensure that we use water efficiently. An important part of this is reducing leakage from our water pipes as well as providing our customers with advice on how they can reduce the amount of water that they use. Between 2025 and 2050, we are planning to reduce leakage from our water pipes by 55 per cent in our Northumbrian Water region and 40 per cent in our Essex & Suffolk Water region.


When comparing our supply and demand forecasts in our Essex & Suffolk Water operational area, we have identified the need for a twin-track approach, whereby as well our strategies to use water efficiently, we must also invest in new water supply schemes to ensure a sufficient and environmentally sustainable supply of water into the future.   


We have worked closely with our regional Water Resources groups, Water Resources North (WReN) and Water Resources East (WRE) throughout the development of our plans. The regional groups take a cross-sector approach to water resources and integrated water management planning by bringing together public water supply companies, the agricultural and energy sectors, and other water users. By doing so, they facilitate sustainable growth across our operating areas.


Our plan reports provide our forecasts of demand, supply, and other parameters, as well as explaining the decision-making process we followed to identify the new demand and supply options that represent best value for our customers. The main reports are supported by short Customer Summaries, Executive Summaries, and data tables. These documents, along with the consultation statement of responses we produced following consultation on the draft versions of our WRMP24s, are available to download below. There are a series of Technical Reports referred to in our plan  reports, which can be requested, as well as any further information on our plans, by emailing